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Alt 14.09.2010, 21:59   #1
Benutzerbild von Mahalo
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Bali Booms Over Idul Fitri Holidays

Quelle: balidiscovery


Surge in Domestic Visitors at the End of the Islamic Fasting Month Keeps Bali Hotels Full and Many Streets Jammed with Traffic.
(9/13/2010) The Secretary of the Bali chapter of Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Perry Markus, estimates that the peak season travel that generally accompanies the celebration of the end of the fasting month has filled most Bali hotels. Quoted in, Markus said, "our observations indicate that tourist numbers to Bali at this time are quite good, with hotel occupancies between 80-90%."
Markus estimated that hotels in Bali will remain full for at least three days following the official holiday on September 10-11, 2010. Adding, "a large number of the tourists staying (in Bali) are domestic visitors, from places that include Jakarta and Surabaya."
Such strong numbers staying in hotels, prompt concerns over whether the supporting services in Bali are able to carry these high numbers and if public order and security of the island can be maintained. estimates that the Kuta area of Bali experienced a five-fold increase in vehicular traffic over the Lebaran holidays as domestic visitors flooded the area. Traffic jams and gridlock plagued Bali throughout the day on Sunday, September 12, 2010, as Indonesian holidaymakers swam, surfed, enjoyed beach massages and partook in the beach fare offered by roaming food vendors.
The State of Travel in Bali
Data from the Bali Tourism Authority from the end of 2009 put the total number of hotel rooms in Bali at 46,014 . In the same year, total foreign tourists were put at 2.2 million staying an average of 8.75 days. Meanwhile, the number of domestic tourists in 2009 stood at 3.5 million who stayed an average of 3 days on the island.
The number of accommodation providers in 2009 totaled 2,175 units hosting the 46.014 saleable rooms. This was comprised of 1,037 "melati hotels" at 20,516 rooms; 981 "pondok wisata" businesses at 4,380 rooms; and 157 starred hotels at 21,118 rooms.
Of the entire total of 46,014 tourist rooms in Bali, 26,387 (57.3%) are located in the southern regency of Badung.
Viele Grüße Mahalo

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