113 Menschen nach Fährunglück in Indonesien auf Meer gerettet - Bali Board
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Alt 01.02.2006, 15:23   #1

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113 Menschen nach Fährunglück in Indonesien auf Meer gerettet

113 Menschen nach Fährunglück in Indonesien auf Meer gerettet
Mittwoch 1. Februar 2006, 14:01 Uhr
Nach einem Fährunglück vor Indonesien sind 113 Menschen aus dem Meer gerettet worden. Rettungskräfte bargen die an Holzplanken und Wassercontainer geklammerten Überlebenden am Mittwoch, nachdem die Fähre am Dienstagabend vor der Insel Timor bei schwerem Seegang gesunken war. Mindestens ein Mensch kam bei dem Unglück ums Leben. Die Fähre war auf dem Weg von Kupang in der ostindoensischen Provinz Nusa Tenggara zur nahe gelegenen Insel Rote, als es kenterte und sank. Drei Kriegsschiffe und ein Flugzeug suchten nach weiteren Überlebenden.

gruß dowe
gruss werner

<i><img src=http://www.bali-board.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=262&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1258152216 border=0 alt= /></i>
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Alt 01.02.2006, 22:32   #2
Benutzerbild von Heikebali
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Heikebali befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
Selamat malam !

Trotz der Katastrophe schön zu lesen, daß fast allen geholfen werden
konnte ... sprich: Sie wurden gerettet !
Bis auf einen Toten ...
Habe ich es überlesen oder welche company steht hinter dem
Fährunglück ???

Lieben Gruß von Heike
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Alt 02.02.2006, 09:02   #3
Foren Doppel As
Benutzerbild von besar
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besar befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
letzte nachricht dazu von reuters
Quelle: reuters
Link: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsAr...TRS&srch=ferry

KUPANG, Indonesia (Reuters) - Indonesian naval vessels rescued more than 100 people on Wednesday after a packed ferry sank in heavy seas in the country's east, but dozens could still be missing, port officials said.

Two navy ships had picked up 114 people, one port official, Marthen Manu, told Reuters. One person was confirmed dead.

While the passenger manifest put the number of people on board at 106, officials said it could have been as high as 160.

The ferry was travelling from Kupang on Indonesia's side of Timor island to nearby Rote island when authorities lost contact with it on Tuesday night.

"Many of the rescued passengers were wearing life vests ... It is most likely the ship sank after being slammed by very strong waves due to bad weather," Manu said, adding that the waves had been up to 5 metres (16 ft) high.

Many survivors were exhausted after their ordeal, he said.

Late on Wednesday afternoon, the ships docked at the port where dozens of ambulances waited to take survivors to hospitals in Kupang, about 1,900 km (1,200 miles) east of Jakarta.

Despite persistent heavy rains, one navy ship planned to return to the spot where the ferry sank to look for more survivors, another port official, Wellem Muloko, said.

Passengers had enough time to put on life vests before the ferry went under, one survivor told local television.

According to the manifest there were 86 passengers and 20 crew on board, but some more might have boarded without tickets, officials said, noting a practice common across the world's biggest archipelago.

A state shipping company had sent one of its vessels to search for survivors but it had to turn back because of rough seas, said an official from the firm, Yohanes Yan Lilin.

A naval surveillance plane had joined the search.

Ferries are the most common means of transport for people wishing to travel around the 17,000 islands of Indonesia, where sea connections are cheaper and more available than air routes.

But safety standards are not strictly enforced and many ferries are overcrowded. A number sink each year, especially in the eastern and less developed parts of the country.

The passenger capacity of the latest ferry to sink was not immediately known. Besides passengers, it was carrying a number of cars and trucks.

hoffentlich bleibts da bei "nur" einem toten...

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Alt 02.02.2006, 14:13   #4
Foren Doppel As
Benutzerbild von besar
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besar befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
hallo @ all

mittlerweile spricht man von zwei toten und noch ca 40 vermissten.

@ gregor

korrigiert - reicht es so?

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Alt 02.02.2006, 14:49   #5

Benutzerbild von Webadmin
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jepp.. dürfte ok sein..

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