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Alt 09.10.2007, 18:46   #1

Benutzerbild von dowe
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Ende des ramadan

hallo zusammen

habe heute erfahren , das so gut wie alle busse von bali nach jawa seit 1 woche ausgebucht sind und Travelanbieter ( klimatisierte kleinbusse fuer 10 pers.) auch so gut wie keine plaetze mehr frei haben ( preis vorher 180000 -> 300000 ) . grund dafuer ist das ende des ramdan (Eid al Fitr) am 13.+14 oktober . dazu passend dieser bericht :

Link: http://www.thejakartapost.com/detail...152053&irec=10

Indonesians to celebrate end of Ramadan, start cramming bus and train stations JAKARTA (AP): Indonesia began its annual mass exodusSunday when millions of people pour out of the major cities to return to their home villages to celebrate the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Thousands have started crowding bus and train stations in the capital, Jakarta six days before Eid al-Fitr to beat the mass exodus later in the week when buses, cars and motorcycles create massive traffic jams on roads across the world's most populous Muslim nation.
Transport officials estimate that nearly 15 million people will head to their home villages - up 6 percent from last year - for the two day celebration next weekend.
"The exodus through land transportation is expected to reach its peak three days before the Eid al-Fitr," said senior transportation ministry official Iskandar Abubakar.
Every year, families form long lines at train and bus stations and tens of thousands wait for ferries at seaports around the country that is spread across more than 17,000 islands.
Nearly 90 percent of Indonesia's 235 million people are Muslims.
During the four weeks of Ramadan, Muslims are not supposed to eat, drink or have sex during daylight hours. On the first day of Eid al-Fitr, people flock to early morning prayers and families later gather to eat specially prepared snacks and offer them to friends and neighbors. (**
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