28.-29.9.06 Kecak Event in Tanah Lot - Bali Board
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Alt 10.09.2006, 19:13   #1

Benutzerbild von dowe
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28.-29.9.06 Kecak Event in Tanah Lot

hi , an diesen beiden tagen finden mehrere veranstaltungen in und um tanah lot statt. unter anderem eine kecak dance veranstaltung mit 5000 teilnehmern

Quelle: balicalendar.com
Link: http://www.balicalendar.com/index.ph...9&day=28&Itemi

In an effort to support the spiritual, cultural and economic aspects of Balinese life a record-setting colossal Kecak Dance will be held at Tanah Lot at sunset on Friday, September 29. 2006.


Dubbed the CAKolosal by its organizers, one of Bali’s most famous trance dances is based on the epic Ramayana and is characterized by concentric circle of men singing in acappella counter-point. The CAKolasal performance planned for September 29th will see an unprecedented chorus of 5,000 dingers and dancers join their voices in a frenzied chorus of . . .cak . . .cak. . .caks. . . filling the topical night air with an eerie sound guaranteed to have the hair on the back of your neck standing at full attention.

It has been said that the Kecak represents the “true spirit” of Bali in its dynamic spirituality and the active demonstration of cooperation and brotherhood by those who dance it.

During the two-day festival preceding the sunset CAKolasal Dance there will be a range of other activities held on the grounds surrounding the Tanah Lot Temple, including:

• Traditional Penjor decorating contest involving 22 sub-villages
• A drawing competition among grade school, junior high school and senior high school students to determine the best artistic representation of the sacred Tanah Lot Temple.
• Engrang Competition
• Traditional Weaving Competition
• Surfing Competition
• Balinese Pop Song Presentation
• Balinese Comedians
• Joged Bumbung Dance
• Te-Tekan Dance
• Kokokan Dance
• Baleganjur Performances
• Fireworks Display
gruss werner

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