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Alt 24.11.2007, 15:41   #1

Benutzerbild von dowe
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Visitor Medals

Quelle: balidiscovery

indonesien plant jedem besucher , der oefter als 20X in indonesien war mit einer medaille / orden zu belohnen.

dies soll die touristen ermuntern indonesien zu besuchen

Government Announces Plans for Medals to be Given to Foreign Visitors Who Make 20 or More Visits to any Indonesian Destination.

(11/24/2007) The Government has announced plans to present medals to foreign tourists who make a minimum of 20 visits to a single Indonesian tourism destination.
Quoted in BisnisBali, Indonesia's Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, said that the presentation of "visitor medals" would help increase tourism visits to Indonesia. The program, still in its planning stage, will be launched in the near future.
Explained Wacik, "Not all regions in Indonesia do a good job of tracking visitors. But, in Bali such data is available...We can ask the data from the hotels there (in Bali)."
Moreover, according to Wacik, the Bali Tourism Office indicates that almost 50% of foreign tourists who visit Bali are "repeaters" who come frequently to the Island.
Meanwhile, local tourism pundits have questioned if the government's new plan might boomerang by presenting recognition and awards to illegal foreign worker arriving in Bali following a regular monthly visa run to nearby Singapore?

vielleicht bekomme ich dann auch eine , nach fast 30 besuchen bis jetzt.

gruss werner
dowe jest offline   Mit Zitat antworten

Mitglieder, welche das Thema gelesen haben : 13
Andy64, Balimike, brigit, Cekcek, Jaques11, johannes, lucu, Marcelle, Papa-Putu, PetraZ, Tom, Warkop

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